Thursday, July 19, 2012

Motivation and Awesomeness.....

Well, I have just spent several hours over the past couple weeks updating our district's website. I wish I would've logged the hours. That would've been interesting to know.... Except that I'm not finished by any means.

The hardest part is ahead of me.....

See, there is this flash banner on the homepage. The pictures there are outdated and I desperately need to change them. Problem is....well, besides not having many pictures....figuring out how to put 3 together to make a collage then get them to the appropriate size. Uploading them and placing them on the site is no that figured out. But this editing part is a bear. Sure wish I had some step-by-step directions on the Photoshop part. Perhaps this "Google Power Searcher" can just Google it and find out!

I've been trying. I have Photoshop Elements on my computer and it's kind of complicated. I attended a Photoshop workshop one time that a friend presented but that was 3 or 4 years ago and I've slept since then.

So, I will continue to plug away and see what I can come up with. I keep telling myself if I can get 1 figured out, I should be able to crank out 3 or 4 in no time. Problem is cranking out the first one!

It's coming to the end of July which means we start school in less than a month. It also means that all those things around our house that I wanted to do over the summer  -- that I put off -- are needing to be done.....QUICK!

We do have a few accomplishments under our belts though. We did get the flooring in the living room installed....and it looks great, I may add. Our bathroom project is coming to an end too. The ceiling is finished and it's painted. Now I need to get the new trim measured, cut, painted, and put up. Ugh. And this heat is not a motivating factor in the least.....

My attention has been turned to school. It's going to be an interesting year I think. Lots of changes have been made and people are starting to get settled in a bit. Most importantly, the changes that have been made are good for kids. Afterall, that's the bottom line. Over the past 25 years, I have seen teachers lose focus on what's good for kids and redirect it to what's best for them. If I ever start thinking that way, somebody tell me to retire. As I have grown and matured in my career, I have come to realize that we have to do whatever it takes to help kids. Even if it's breaking down our own beliefs about how a kids should act, what they should know, etc.

There's someone I follow on Twitter who every morning ends his post with "be awesome today". Isn't that cool? What if we said that to kids every morning before their day starts? What if we parents would say that to our kids before they walked out the door? How about bus drivers as the kids were getting off the bus? How about the cook as the kids go through the breakfast line to get their tray? Right before we release the students from the gym to go to their classrooms? What if we posted signs and banners all over our school as constant reminders for EVERYBODY in the building -- visitors included -- to BE AWESOME TODAY! I think I've just hit upon an idea! Alright, gotta remember that one! Excuse me, I have to go design a poster now......

This is the stuff I think about at 11 p.m. (now)....and in the shower......and at 3 o'clock in the morning.....

Up there in the beginning of this post, I mentioned something about Google Power Searcher.....well, here's the scoop on that.....

A couple weeks ago, Google advertised an online course that one could participate in to become a Google Power Searcher. Because I am all things Google, I signed up.....afterall, it was free and it was Google.....did I mention I love Google? Today I completed the course with flying colors. It was fun. There were six lessons that taught participants how to maximize their Google searches. I'm so glad I took it. Now I wish I was teaching computers this year. They gave a lot of great information.....enough for a couple weeks of instruction on a very important concept. I might have to come back and teach that to the computer classes anyway. I'm sure the teachers won't mind......

Thanks for joining me! And don't forget......


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tech, Intervention, and My New "Office".....

This week has been a busy one. Sad thing is, it's only Tuesday.....boy, I'm sure hoping things slow down a laundry pile is getting higher and higher!

I've spent the last two days in both buildings working on tech projects. My oldest son and I have set up nearly every classroom computer and interactive whiteboard in both buildings and run a network cable through the wall to a copier (have to put a connector back on one end....darn thing wouldn't fit through the hole with the connector on). I'm thinking I'll lay off the tech for a week or so.....

I'll get started -- again -- on intervention projects. One of the cool things that one of the special education teachers and I did last year for the teachers was to put IEP and intervention information together in binders for the teachers. We did so well! We are quite a team! Let me explain more about these binders...

First, we chose orange. Why orange? Well, first it's one of our school colors and second, it stands out and besides that, I like that color. :)

Our district is still working through the RtI/Intervention process......we're getting there though....a little at a time. It's a big change for some people. It's easy to do what you've always done. I completely agree. It's my flannel lounge pants and old t-shirt. But we have to stop thinking about what's easy and start thinking about what's best for those kids that come to school to see us everyday.

Back to the orange binders.....we decided that every teacher needed easy access to RtI forms, lists of interventions, accommodations, and modifications, the classroom AIMSweb information, and copies of their students' IEP accommodations. So, we searched the internet, made copies, ran reports, labeled tabbed dividers, and put all of it in the orange binders.

After the binders were complete, we scheduled a full day of meetings with teachers. We met with each teacher during her planning time, along with at least one of the administrators (because they need to know too), and reviewed every piece of information in the binder.....we are so glad we did.....we were just sorry we didn't think of it at the beginning of the, we are going to do that this year.

I must say, they are beautiful binders. And right now, those beautiful binders are sitting on my shelf waiting for more information to be put in them......yikes! I see another day at school in my near future.....

The past school year was a learning experience for our 2-person team....we kind of felt our way through the year and we got better as the year progressed. We started writing different goals and did more periodic reviews on progress monitoring. We impressed our special education co-op supervisor so much that she recommended we present at the next regional teachers' conference in the fall! We'll see where that goes....

Next year we're going to tear-it-up! Look out!

Have I told you about my new "office"? I really like it. This story is quite interesting....well, to me anyway....

I teach in the same school district that I attended. When I started school in 1971, I attended kindergarten at Opdyke, in the room next to the room that is now my "office". My "home school district" (Belle Rive) did not have kindergarten, so I attended kindergarten in Opdyke. In first grade, I went to Belle Rive. First and second grades were in the same room with the same teacher. In 1973, the Belle Rive and Opdyke districts consolidated and became Opdyke-Belle Rive. Kindergarten through fourth grade was at Belle Rive and fifth through eighth grade was at Opdyke. It stayed this way until my oldest son entered the fifth grade. At that time, fourth grade was moved to Opdyke.

Anyway, back to my story.....while I was at Opdyke, the office was upstairs in the room that is now my office. Sometime during the 90's -- I think -- the office was moved downstairs and the "old office/my new office" became a storage room. I remember when I was there it was the only room with an air conditioner....funny what you remember.....

I'm just not sure how Mr. Lathrop, our principal,  and Dexter, our secretary, both fit in there. Of course, those were the days before computers and lots of the stuff that we need today.

I'm really liking my office though. Probably won't spend a lot of time there....but as a "home base" it's pretty will be a nice place to go at the end of the day.....

Saturday, June 23, 2012

To Begin Again....

That title is misleading. But, it sounds kinda cool.

I'm trying to start this blogging thing again.

Why? I have no idea. I guess I have this need to write -- which is weird -- because I don't really like to write. Don't tell my students that though....

Let me put that a different way....I am okay with long as nobody assigns me to write something. I'd rather have a root canal.

 I want to write how I think and talk.....which might just be ramblings.

I don't want to have to think when I write. I want it to f-l-o-o-o-w-w-w....flow right out of my brain down my neck through my arms to my fingers that are typing my thoughts onto that computer screen in front of me.....

Yep, that's how I like to write.....for my entertainment. Who knows, maybe somebody else will read this and be entertained too!

I'm going to try to start writing for my entertainment again..... after all, 2008 -- the last time I wrote an entry --- was four years ago....I think it's time....

I found out in May that my job is going to change. That excites me. No, really, it does....

For the past five years, I have been a Title 1 teacher and technology teacher. I loved my job. I was the only teacher in the building who got the opportunity to see every kid in school everyday. Now, I only spent 40 minutes per day with them.....but I was privileged to see them all everyday.

This past year my title went from "Title 1 teacher" to "interventionist". Sounds kinda cool, doesn't it?

Next year I will be the interventionist for the entire district.....which means I will be in both buildings everyday. I'm really excited! I start in the K-4 building in the morning and the 5-8 building in the afternoon. (I'm tech for the entire district too but in a slightly different role.)

This could get a bit hectic......I can't wait! I like hectic....I like the bustle.....

Oh, did I mention I am also moving to a new space....we're calling it my office.

My dear husband painted my office on his day, I love that guy! We also moved all of my paraphernalia out of my old space into my new office.....after having been a teacher and administrator for the past 25 years, I've accumulated a lot of stuff. It's mostly books, binders, and files.....but there's quite a bit of it.

I went back this afternoon and put everything in its place -- for now anyway.  It looks pretty good. I'm going to have my friend Elizabeth decide how to decorate the walls.....she's great at that....

I like the old time one room schoolhouse look. So, my walls are "latte". I have schoolhouse pictures.....six of them in different sizes.....I have no idea how to arrange them to look pleasant. I wasn't blessed with that sister was.....I however, was not. That's okay....I decorate cakes.... :)

I love the intervention love love it.....this is when we do really cool stuff for and with kids to help them succeed. Its rewarding.....and frustrating.....

We teachers work on this stuff all year around. I never stop thinking about what we can do for kids.....I've already met with one of the special education teachers to work out our schedule for next year and what we need to buy. I'm going to meet with the language arts teacher soon to work on curriculum......see...never stop's all about doing what's best for kids.....

We have the schedule finished....we'll see what happens know -- best laid plans......

We have several students with organization issues so we brainstormed ways to help them. Some kids have problems getting all their necessary materials to their classes....I'm hoping we have alleviated that problem with our plan. We are going to purchase a stocked pencil box with the child's name on it to remain in his classroom at all times. Now, how easy is that? Do you realize how much time it takes away from instruction when a student is being sent back for's a's a lot.....

Hey, I've got a million of these easy little fixes! Now, let's hope that little accommodation works!

Last year we, through the generous support of our PTO, we purchased three iPods and three sets of good headphones. We loaded the players with ocean sounds (basically white noise). Those students who had difficulty focusing were able to use the devices to minimize distractions while they were working. Did it work? Yes and no.....that's like all interventions....sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Now that doesn't mean we need to give up trying......sometimes it's just the day......

Friday, November 14, 2008


Grrrrr!!! I went back to view my blog post and it wasn't there! All that writing and it wasn't there! I forgot to click publish post! Nice job, Anna! Sheesh! Well, that's how my day has been -- TGIF in a big way!

It all started at 7:50 a.m. Husband left at 5 a.m. to go deer hunting in Missouri. Got the kids up, got to school, got Emily on the bus, went up to the lab to begin my day. Son Aaron asked me how many counties there were in Illinois. Being the tech gal I am I said, "Aaron, just Google it." That was easy enough or so I thought. He said, "Mom, it says it can't find the page." First I thought that perhaps he spelled it wrong and the filter picked it up. So I said, "Check your spelling and try again." "Mooooooommmmmm, it still doesn't work!" I check my computer. Sure enough, can't find the page on mine either. Open email, hit send/receive. Error. Okay, Internet's down. Phone rings. Other building. I pick up the phone and instead of my usual "hello" it was, "Internet's down, huh?"

I spent the better part of the morning on the phone with the ISP. Turns out, one of the ports on our router went bad and it chose 11 p.m. last night to crash. I didn't realize how much I rely on the web -- that is, until it's down. The projects the students are working on are in some respect web-based. So it was on to plan B. Usually my plan B is web-based. Well, not today. Good teachers need a plan B and a plan C. I have gotten to plan D before -- well, I have been in education over 20 years and it was bound to happen. I'm sure it will happen again too. What is funny is that the kids don't even realize we use the web so much. It kind of reminds me of when the electricity is out and you think about baking cookies or turning on the computer. As soon as they walked in the door today I told them the Internet was down and here were their choices. I had barely gotten the words out of my mouth and one boy asked, "Mrs. Jukes, can we go to Mathisfun?" Yeah, well....

Okay, so back to the fun... my ROE tech friend brought me a spare router and it was back on the phone with the ISP.

Lunch was plan B too. Normally, I go to the cafeteria and grab my lunch, take it upstairs to the lab and listen to Leo Laporte. Instead I caught up on Tom Grissom's podcasts. (great education stuff BTW! -- plug for Tom! tech4teachers podcasts -- great stuff!)

Turns out the ISP couldn't fix it remotely so they came to me. I finally got home around 4:45 today. But, I'm glad to say, we are up and running and now we will all have internet and email on Monday. Yoohoo!

I just realized that the title of this blog post is Skype. Oops! Got a little carried away with my day that I almost posted without talking about it. That would've left you all confused and probably me too.

Last night I had the privilege of co-presenting with our LTC director at the Southern Illinois chapter of the Illinois Computing Educators monthly meeting. We talked about Skype. I get so excited when I talk about Skype because I've had some great experiences with it. We were able to Skype Tom Grissom. That was really cool! I "met" Tom on Twitter when we started following each other. I had never seen him in person or talked to him. After all, he's in Central Illinois. Talking to him and actually seeing him was really, really cool!

I'm hoping to unleash some more of it's potential in my school very soon. I have been in contact with the education department of the Jefferson Laboratory in Virginia to Skype with our 7th graders who are studying atoms. We are planning on trying to get together in the next couple weeks. We need to be sure our equipment works on both ends. What a great learning experience for our students! This is stuff you can't learn in a textbook.

My next adventure is to hook up with another 5th grade class either in the U.S. or another country for our 5th graders to talk to.

The world is certainly getting smaller!

Until next time...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh my!

Okay, so I've put this blog on the back burner.... sorry. I guess there are so many things going on, this was not a priority. A former co-worker used to say, "it's 3rd on my list of things to do". Well, this was 3rd on my list of things to do. I can't believe the last time I posted was the beginning of August!

It's now the end of October. Gee this month has flown by; it's unreal. October has historically been a busy month for me though so I should not be surprised at all. I guess as an administrator it was even busier. It seems that all organizations choose October for their big events -- which makes sense. In October, we've been in school for a little over a month, we've gotten to know our kids and teachers, and there is still enough time to take back to school what we've learned and make a difference.

October is my favorite month. The trees are turning, there's a chill in the air, and it's the beginning of a slew of holidays. Yes, I love October -- pumpkins, orange, brown, red, yellow, cinnamon, candles, scents -- I love October!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

It's homework time. Why these boys wait until 8:30 p.m. to do homework is beyond me. It's painful. After all, I've done my seventh grade and fifth grade work -- 30 years ago. But that's part of being a parent -- helping with the homework. So, we drudge along. Luckily, neither of them bring home much. They are quite good at getting it done at school which means they really are using their time wisely; at least at school. I'm very blessed to have kids that do well in school, who try, behave appropriately, and are polite. Of course, they can't get away with anything that neither their dad or I won't find out about. Kinda stinks having your mom as a teacher and your dad as a custodian in the district. I think it rocks, but that's because I'm the momma.

The seventh graders are learning about the Constitution. What a great year to study it. This election will certainly make history. Will we have an African-American president or will we have a female vice president? Either way it goes, it's a first. Anyway, I've been working on some ways to integrate technology into their studies. I've been able to find the old Schoolhouse Rock videos on YouTube. Remember those? When I was younger, those used to come on during the cartoons on Saturday morning. I can still remember the catchy tunes and the concepts they were trying to teach. That's how I learned the Preamble. Actually, that's how I still remember the Preamble. I don't think I could SAY it, or write it without singing it in my mind. Whoever invented those was a genius. Seventh graders, if you are reading this blog, get ready -- we're watching the Preamble this week. Stay tuned....

Those interactive whiteboards were another fantastic invention. I really miss mine. I can't wait to get my new one. I'm getting a 77' Numonics Intelliboard. I'm looking for it any day now. My sales rep says I should get it by the end of the day tomorrow. I've been waiting for over a month and I'm just about to burst. Russell's going to be busy helping me put that thing up tomorrow night (if it comes in) -- he just doesn't know it yet. Surprise, Honey!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back to School Tomorrow!

I can't believe the summer is over already. Just when I was getting into the summer do-what-I-want routine, it's over. So long summer '08 and hello school year 08-09. That's another one I can't believe! I started teaching in 1987-88. So, that makes this year, what, school year number 22? It just doesn't seem possible. Afterall, I'm not that old. Oh well, the time and years will pass and over this I have no control.

This year I would like to try some new things with my students. It will be a challenge this year with the kids having computers everyday all year long. I would like for the teachers to step up and help out with assigning projects that I can assist with. (I need to word that differently -- always learned that you should never end a sentence with a preposition.) My thoughts are turning to Google Earth, stop motion animation, and podcasting. I really need a couple more ideas. I really, really want to do Lego Robotics. That would be a great experience for those kids. However, have you priced those kits lately? Wow! That's what's holding me back -- the money. Time to start looking -- again -- for grant and funding sources.