Friday, January 18, 2008

End of the day thoughts

The presentation by Will Richardson was tremendous! There are so many ideas buzzing around in my mind. When I got home, I was just a-"twitter" with all the information I left with. How am I going to use this with my students? How is this information going to impact the expectations and rules I have for my own personal children? Do I want to encourage my oldest son to explore the world of social networking and blogs now instead of discouraging him because I am afraid of all the dangers out there? What a powerful tool the internet is! Actually, as I reflect on the content I have developed for my computer classes so far this year, I think I'm on the right track. Will explained today that we need to teach our kids how to be safe on the internet first. And that's exactly what I'm trying to do. Now, I just hope they listen.....

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