Wednesday, April 9, 2008

About time I updated!

I can't believe that's it's been nearly a month and a half since I've updated this blog! Time sure has flown and with the duties of my current position and all of the other stuff in my personal life, this has been put on the back burner.

Several things have happened since I last posted...

My cake decorating business is getting pretty busy. My dream is to one day have my own little bakery. I would love to have a little shop separate from our home. Wonder if I could talk my husband into that? He's pretty handy with that sort of thing. Maybe when I'm ready to retire.

We've been working hard on redoing our bathroom. We have a new tile shower surround; which I am proud to say that I did all by myself! We also have new flooring and a new sink and vanity. It wasn't the most expensive thing in the world but it looks nice and was affordable. I will not have carpeting in the bathroom again. Of course, I didn't put this carpeting in the bathroom to begin with. My grandparents put it in many years ago. It was really bad. We are not finished with the bathroom yet, it's a work in progress, but that's okay. It'll get there.

On the school front, we have started a morning newscast. There are 5 eighth grade girls who are collecting announcements, reminders, weather, etc., writing a script, and taping the morning news. They are very excited about it. We've done it 2 mornings now (didn't today, I had a sick child I had to stay home with) and it is only getting better. I wanted to do it live but I only wanted our teachers to have access to it. The only resource we have available is our computer network. So, the girls tape it, I put it into MS Movie Maker (if anyone from Microsoft happens to read this -- I love it!) and save it to a folder on our server. I then go around and let the teachers know that the newscast is ready for them to play. My goal is to go around to each computer and setup a task that it will automatically come on at a certain time each morning. That may happen next week if I can pin down a time that the whole process will be completed.

I have been working on the Take One! program for National Board Certification. I'm proud to say my work is nearly completed. I need to go back and reread my paper and make sure I have all the materials required. Oh, yeah, and I have to burn the DVD. Why do I get myself into these things?

I received word this past weekend that a former student in a former district in which I worked as principal died in a house fire last Saturday night. How tragic! I'm still in shock.

I'm exhausted and I'm hoping the little one is asleep so that I can go to bed.

Thanks for reading my ramblings. G'night!

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